Lowongan House Keeping

Lowongan House Keeping

Villa Kampung Kecil is located in Jalan Lestari No. kutat. 98, Sanur-Bali and our web www.kampungkecil.com. Currently requires the employee to the position and the following criteria:


  • Woman
  • Min. D1 Tourism
  • MIn experience 2 years
  • Can Fluent in oral & written
  • Able to organize a good job
  • Able to work, either with a team or individual
  • Preferred to stay at the villa
  • URGENT !!

Submit Your CV to : ccihrdbali@gmail.com

Ditayangkan sebelumnya dari situs HHRMA Bali
Author : Okantara

Sudah melang melintang di dunia media dari lulus kuliah. IB Okantara adalah salah satu founder dari Kabardewata.

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