Job at Fontana Hotel Bali

Job at Fontana Hotel Bali

HHRMA Bali - The 1O1 Bali Fontana Seminyak, Management by PHM Hotelst is Smart, Stylist & Experience Hotel, location in the heart of Legian, Badung – Bali.

We are looking for qualified and dynamic talent to joint our success team for the following position :

  1. FO Supervisor
  2. Cook Staff
  3. GRO Mandarin Speaker
  4. Engineer (DW)
  5. Security (DW)
  6. Spa Therapist (DW)

With qualification :

  • Minimum Diploma I Hospitality Industry.
  • Strong skill for selling (FB Sales Executive).
  • Positive attitude, well groomed & outgoing personality, Driving License A is a must (for FO Supervisor).
  • Have a experience minimun 2 years at 4/5 star hotel.
  • Strong communication skills, detail oriented, excellent negotiation skills & hard worker.
  • Have a good skill about Italian Food & Asian Food (For Cook Staff Contract).
  • Familiar with VHP System (GRO Mandarin & FO Supervisor).
  • Have Certificate Garda Pratama (Security DW)
  • Ready to work immediately.

Kindly send your application letter, CV and recent photograph (without attach recent photograph this CV not able be process) send to : cc

15th July 2024 at 3PM or drop your CV to :

Mrs. Putu Titin (Human Capital Manager The 1O1 Bali Fontana Seminyak)

Jalan Dewi Sri No. 68 Legian Kelod, Kuta, Badung – Bali 80361

Phone : (0361) 8947100 Ext.412

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Author : Okantara

Sudah melang melintang di dunia media dari lulus kuliah. IB Okantara adalah salah satu founder dari Kabardewata.

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