Job Available at Berry Amour Romantic Villas

Job Available at Berry Amour Romantic Villas

Berry Amour Romantic Villas located in Batubelig, Seminyak area is urgently seeking highly talented and motivated individual for the following position:

1. Butler (Daily Worker)
2. Engineering (Daily Worker)
3. Gardener (Daily Worker)

Basic Qualifications:

1. Relevant educational background with the position being applied. (1,2,3)
2. Good understanding and capable to communicate in English (1,2,3)
3. A minimum of 1 year experience in a similar position in Hotel / Villa Industry. (1,2,3)
4.Have an experience related with F&B service (1)
5. Able to drive and have a driving license / SIM A (1)
6. Have a strong knowledge related with mechanical and electrical (2)
7. Must have knowledge in gardening including taking care of plants and flowers.(3)
8. Strong motivation, willing to work, enthusiastic, love the job,and responsible of work. (1,2,3)
9. Smart grooming, hospitality oriented, creative and profesional attitude. (1,2,3)

Those interested, may submit their application and resume complete with latest photograph to: 

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Author : Okantara

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