Job at Green Garden Hotel

Job at Green Garden Hotel

Green Garden Hotel, a well-known 2-star hotel with Australian market (at Jalan Kartika Plaza Kuta – next to Bali Dynasty Hotel) is looking for :

  • 2 (two) WAITERS

With following criteria:

  • Having at least 1-year experience as restaurant waiter with international guests
  • Able to communicate in English well (at least verbal communication)
  • Maximum age 26 years
  • KTP Bali with priority given to candidates from Denpasar and Kabupaten Badung

After completing a fully paid 3-month probation, suitable candidates will automatically receive an permanent work status. In addition to UMK salary & monthly commissions (from Rp 1,905,000 to Rp 3,500,000), the hotel offers daily meals, health package, Jamsostek, training/development programs, THR and annual leave (cuti). With mostly Australians as our patrons, our guests usually leave personal tips to the waiters (free for each waiter to keep).

Please email your application and curriculum vitae to:

Ditayangkan sebelumnya dari situs HHRMA Bali
Author : Okantara

Sudah melang melintang di dunia media dari lulus kuliah. IB Okantara adalah salah satu founder dari Kabardewata.

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