Job at Bali Rich Villas Ubud

Job at Bali Rich Villas Ubud

We are Bali Rich Villas Ubud located at Jl. Raya Kedewatan – Tanggayuda Ubud urgently looking for :

  1. Sales Executive.
  2. E-commerce.
  3. Accounting Cost Control
  4. Spa Therapist
  5. Gardener

General Requirements :

  • Experiences minimum 1 years in similar position
  • Excellent command in both written and spoken English.
  • Relevant educational background with the position being applied
  • Able to join immediately is an advantage

Please kindly send application and CV by email to :

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Author : Okantara

Sudah melang melintang di dunia media dari lulus kuliah. IB Okantara adalah salah satu founder dari Kabardewata.

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