Job at AYANA Resort and Spa Bali and RIMBA Jimbaran Bali by AYANA

Job at AYANA Resort and Spa Bali and RIMBA Jimbaran Bali by AYANA

AYANA Resort and Spa Bali and RIMBA Jimbaran Bali by AYANA need all positions. Please have a look the detail below.

Please send your application letter and resume with a recent photograh to : by August 15th, 2015
Please put the position that you would like to apply on the email subject.
Incomplete CVs and application without photograph will not be processed. Only selected candidates who will be processed for next arrangement.

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Author : Okantara

Sudah melang melintang di dunia media dari lulus kuliah. IB Okantara adalah salah satu founder dari Kabardewata.

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