Job at Bhuwana Ubud Hotel

Job at Bhuwana Ubud Hotel

Bhuwana Ubud Hotel, a growing resort in Ubud is inviting talented and genuine young people to feel the challenging, enjoyable and remarkable employment experiences for following positions :

  1. Cook


  • Male
  • Minimum 2 years experience
  • Food & Beverage qualifications, pastry and bakery knowledge will be an advantage
  • Organized and detail-oriented
  • Has a good knowledge in food safety
  • Specific food preparation techniques
  • Good communication skill
  • Able to work under pressure
  • A self-starter who is highly driven, persistent and adaptable to change.

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Author : Okantara

Sudah melang melintang di dunia media dari lulus kuliah. IB Okantara adalah salah satu founder dari Kabardewata.

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